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Overcoming Adult ADHD

Culleton’s story of repeated triumph over adversity will inspire you to overcome the negatives in your life.

John Kelly, Detroit Free Press

​"Written off as a failure, Rick Culleton hustled his way to success. His book is an honest account of mistakes made and lessons learned. Entertaining, gritty, bound to inspire!"

Grady Harp, Amazon Top 100 Hall of Fame Reviewer

"Reading Messed Up Like You initiates a sense of fervor for striving for a better life. Very highly recommended!"

Flying Book Review

​"Messed Up Like You is an inspiration. Rick Culleton proves that regardless of where you begin in life, you can achieve your dreams."

Brad Butler, Author of Without Redemption

​"Rick Culleton's struggles and triumphs make for an entertaining read."

Lauren Lee, Writer

"Rick's story pulled me in, and I wanted to root for him from the beginning."

Chris Cordani, Host, Book Spectrum; Exec. Producer: The Hard Truth with Tony Shaffer

"There are fictional characters with many talents and quirks far less compelling than real-life Rick Culleton."

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